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My Daylilies
By Season
Extra Early
Early to Mid
Lurch (Stamile 2000)
Mid to Late
Aztec Firebird (Roberts N. 2002)
Very Late
By Type
Unusual Form - Cascade
Unusual Form - Crispate
Unusual Form - Spatulate
By Color
Other Daylilies
“A” to “B" Other Daylilies
Aabachee (Cheetham, R. 1957)
Aerial Applique (Lambertson, 2006)
Alabama Jubilee (Webster 1988)
All American Chief (Sellers. 1994)
Along the Way (Stevens, D. 1980)
American Revolution (Wild 1972)
Angel Rodgers (Wilson, T. 1996)
Applique (Stamile 2002)
Atlanta Debutante (Petree 1982)
Atlanta Moonlight (Petree 1982)
Bama Music (Hardy 1965)
Bandit Man (Stevens, D. 1979)
Baruch (Harris, H. 1974)
Bela Lugosi (Hanson, C. 1995)
Big Bill (Douglas C. 2006)
Big Kiss (Joiner 1991)
Black Eyed Susan (Stevens, D. 1983)
Black Tinker (Unregistered)
Blue Happiness (Spalding, W. 1975)
Blueberry Candy (Stamile 1993)
Bold Symphony (Bennett, F. 1999)
Bolero Eyes (Carpenter, J. 2007)
Bombay Silk (Moldovan 2001)
Bonanza (Ferrick. 1954)
Border Music (Salter 1995)
Broadway Gal (Stamile, G. 1991)
Brocaded Gown (Milliken, B. 1979)
Brookwood Lee Causey (Sharp 1998)
Buried Treasure (Moldovan 1961)
Butterpat (Kennedy 1970)
"C" Other Daylilies
Caboodle (Joiner 1986)
Caledonia (Whatley 1983)
Call to Camelot (James, L. 1998)
Camden Firebug (Kennedy-Allgood 1993)
Cameroon's Twister (Benz 2000)
Candlelight Gala (Wild 1985)
Carlotta (Milliken B. 1986)
Carolyn Criswell (Harris-Petree 1977)
Cartwheels (Fay-Russell 1956)
Castle Camelot (Moldovan 1998)
Cat Dancer (Moore G. 1992)
Catherine Folker (Joiner 1989)
Cedar Waxwing (Griesbach-Klehm 1979)
Celebration of Angels (Trimmer 1999)
Chaffee (Whatley 1986)
Change of Heart (Joiner 2000)
Cherokee Moon (Joiner J. 2001)
Cherry Chapeau (Munson RW. 1979)
Chicago Apache (Marsh-Klehm 1981)
Chicago Candy Cane (Marsh 1975)
Chicago Ruby (Marsh 1977)
China Dragon (Soules 1984)
Chireno (Carpenter J. 1995)
Chocolate Ripples (Shooter 1992)
Chorus Line (Kirchhoff D. 1981)
Christmas Tidings (Stamile 1999)
Clarence Simon (MacMillan 1966)
Count On It (Joiner 2003)
Court Magician (Munson RW. 1987)
Cranberry Baby (Croker 1984)
Crazy Ivan (Grace-Smith 2005)
“D” to “F" Other Daylilies
Daisy (Glidden 1988)
Dallas Star (Ferris R. 1976)
Dark Elf (Hudson 1979)
Dashing Double (Kirchhoff D. 1994)
Daughter of Magic (Salter 1996)
Dipped In Ink (Reed 1998)
Dizzy (Carter M. 1999)
Dominic (Williams J. 1984)
Downy Woodpecker (Griesbach-Klehm 1979)
Dragon's Eye (Salter EH. 1991)
Drums Along the Mohawk (Moldovan 1999)
Duke's Mixture (Elliott 1987)
Earlene Garber (Begnaud 2000)
Eenie Weenie (Aden 1976)
Elegant Candy (Stamile 1995)
Elizabeth Salter (Salter 1990)
Emperor's Dragon (Munson RW. 1983)
Eternal Memories (Joiner J. 2001)
Eye-yi-yi (McCroskey 1988)
Ferris Wheel (Childs F. 1959)
Fire and Fog (Salter 2000)
Fire Chief Nicholas (Albers 1994)
First Knight (Salter 1995)
Fooled Me (Reilly-Hein 1990)
Forbidden Fruit (Kirchhoff D. 1996)
Forsyth Pearl Drops (LeFever 1988)
Frances Joiner (Joiner 1988)
Friend Sandy (Shooter E. 2003)
Full Reward (McVicker-Murphey 1957)
"G" to "I" Other Daylilies
Gadsen Goliath (Reinke 1990)
Ginger Jar (Munson RW. 1970)
Gloria Ritchey (Simon L. 1971)
Gold and Silver (Hendricks W. 1989)
Golden Illusions (Salter 2000)
Golden Prize (Peck 1968)
Golden Scroll (Guidry 1983)
Green Eyes Wink (Nolen 1982)
Green Flutter (Williamson 1964)
Guiniver's Gift (Salter EH. 1989)
Hail King Arthur (James L. 1999)
Hall's Pink (unregistered)
Harley Rushing (Rushing 1993)
Harvard Yard (Kaskel 1999)
Heavens To Betsy (Jeffcoat, 2004)
Helen Shooter (Shooter 1998)
High Lama (Munson RW. 1978)
Hold Your Horses (Trimmer 2004)
Holiday Joy (Albers 1994)
Hollywood Dragon Lady (Stretz 1987)
Hot Ember (Stamile 1986)
Hot Wire (Stamile 1986)
House of Orange (Weston J. 1990)
Hudson Valley (Peck 1971)
Humdinger (Joiner 1988)
Ice Cream Dream (Joiner J. 1999)
Illini Jackpot (Varner 1981)
Imperial Guard (Moldovan 1975)
In Step (Wild 1989)
Isaac (Harris H. 1973)
Itsy Bitsy Spider (Bishop H. 1990)
Ivory Finesse (Carpenter J. 2007)
“J” to “L” Other Dallies
Jam All Night
Jean Wooten
Jimmie Fry
Joan Senior
Jock Randall
July Gold
Jumpin In Gomorrah
Key to My Heart
Kick Out The Jams
Lady Fingers
Lady of Quality
Lake Norman Sunset
Lancelot of France
Land Of Our Fathers
Lavender Luxury
Lemon Mint
Let It Rip
Light The Way
Lights of Hoover Dam
Little Bit of Lipstick
Little Business
Little Cadet
Little Fantastic
Little Fat Dazzler
Little Gypsy Vagabond
Little Paul
Little Zinger
Lizard's Birthday Bow
Long Stocking
Lord of Illusions
Love Poem
Lullaby Baby
“M” Other Daylilies
Madge Cayse
Magical Mystery
Malaysian Monarch
Margrit Rose
Marilyn Siwik
Marse Connell
Martha Reed
Mary Alice Stokes
Megan's Love
Midnight Raider
Mighty Highty Tighty
Ming Snow
Mitchel Leichardt
Mokan Moon
Monica Marie
Moonlit Masquerade
Morning Victory
Mount Herman Treat
Mountain Violet
Mumbo Jumbo
My Baba
My Belle
My Melinda
My True Love
Mystical Merlin
"N" to "O" Other Daylilies
Neal Berrey
Neil McCreery
New Series
Newberry Blue Eyes
Newberry Choice Purple
Newberry Festival
Newberry Larry Bennett
Newberry Lori
Newberry News
Newberry Touch
Newberry Way
Night Town
North Wind Dancer
Numinous Moments
Ode To Spring
Olallie Red
Old King Cole
Olive Bailey Langdon
Orange Velvet
Oriental Ruby
Our Kirsten
Our Sweet Caroline
"P" to "R" Other Daylilies
Painted Lady
Paprika Spice
Pat Crocker
Peach Fairy
Phoenix Flying
Pick of the Litter
Pink Flirt
Pink Giggles
Pink Pink
Pixie Beauty
Plaza Del Sol
Praire Blue Eyes
Prairie Moonlight
Prelude To Love
Prester John
Pretty Fancy
Prince of Thieves
Proper Stranger
Pumpkin Kid
Purple Many Faces
Purple Peppermint
Quest for Excalibur
Rachel My Love
Raven's Call
Red Explosion
Red Ragtop
Red Roo
Red Shadows
Regency Favorite
Right Pretty
Round Table
Royal Rage
Royal Saracen
Ruby Throat
Ruffled Apricot
"S" Other Daylilies
Salmon Sheen
Sassy Sam
Savannah's Edge
Scarlet Lace
Scarlet Orbit
Scarlet Pansy
Seminole Wind
Shady Lady
Sharon Rushing
Sheer Perfection
Silk Road
Siloam Bo Peep
Siloam David Kirchoff
Siloam Doodle Bug
Siloam June Bug
Siloam Mama
Siloam Red Toy
Siloam Sunburst
Siloam Ury Winniford
Siloam Virginia Henson
Silver Veil
Sing The Wondrous Story
Sir Modred
Sir Wilford
Snaggle Tooth
Snowy Apparition
Snowy Owl
Soft Summer Breeze
Some Like it Hot
Spacecoast Behaviour Pattern
Spanish Fandango
Sparks Dancing with the Stars
Springfield Clan
Star Prince
Stellar Star
Strawberry Fields Forever
Strider Spider
Strutter's Ball
Sugar Cookie
Summer Echoes
Sweet Country Luvin'
Sweet Shalimar
Sweet Summer Heat
"T" to "Z" Other Daylilies
Take Me Along
Texas Big Daddy
Texas Painted Eyes
Todd Abbot
Tooth Fairy
Total Look
Tuscawilla Tigress
Vanilla Fluff
Vera Biaglow
Victorian Days
Violet Hour
Violet Vision
Wang Dang Doodle
Watermelon Moon
Wedding Band
What's Up Doc
Wild Mountain Honey
Wilson Spider
Wish Fulfillment
Wonder of Wonders
World Peace Now
Wyatt's Cameo
Yellow Lollipop
Visit to Ladybug Daylilies
Violet Vision
© Lisa J. Miner 2016 —
Content License
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